Council lets tender for paving at tennis court

Council here is awarding the Palmerston tennis courts paving tender to The Murray Group for $28,950 (excluding taxes).

It was the lowest of three bids and in the 2009 budget.

Councillor David Turton asked if the work had been budgeted.

Treasurer Gord Duff said that it was.

The work has been budgeted for several years, but as Deputy-mayor Judy Dirksen added, “It keeps getting shifted.”

Duff said the tender amount is actually less than what was budgeted for, “which is a good thing.”

Councillor Wayne Martin asked if there is a schedule for the work to be done.

Recreation Director David Stonley said the town knew the Murray Group would be pav­ing William Street, so some coordination was attempted.

“I think that had a lot to do with the price coming in where it did.”

Stonley said the town had budgeted $40,000 for the project and it will cost $28,900.

Dirksen said “that’s excellent. It just kinda shows you what breaking down some [barriers] between departments can do.”


