Council hears residents comments and wishes for recreation

Stempski-Kelly Associates is preparing a master recreation plan here and presented council last month with a number of things to consider.

The company did extensive surveys of various groups in order to determine what people see as needs in the community, along with general comments:

– “people need to take more pride in our community”;

– “a little TLC needed”; and

– “more should be done to educate the residents of the township on what is offered throughout …We would rather sit as a family and read over a list of things to do”; and

– “outdoor rinks – we love them.”

To obtain its information, Sean Kelly told council the company interviewed 22 stakeholder groups, and said staff members and the public have generated some similar concerns and interests at the public meetings, including:

–  poor playground conditions;

–  existing washrooms require upgrades;

– there are accessibility and safety issues for most facilities;

– service delivery and organization needs fine tuning;

– directional signs and emergency address locations need to be more visible; and

– upgrade community centres (PMD, Moorefield).

The company also heard the following wish list from various people who agreed:

– 100% want to upgrade existing nature trails with amenities;

– 70% want playground and existing park upgrades;

– 60% want outdoor rinks;

– 60% want to develop new township trails;

– 50% want washroom upgrades;

– 50% want more, better signs;

– 50% want a splash pad; and

– 30% want an outdoor pool.

The study found that for locals, more variety in facilities is a priority, followed by improvements of existing facilities, while focusing new development in a core location was the least important.

Other highlights from the study were:

– 78.8% find out information by word of mouth.

– 72% would like new events and festivals;

– 75% attend the Drayton Festival Theatre once or less per year;

– 32% thought there is a need for an outdoor concert theatre;

–  the PMD Arena and Moorefield Community Centre are the most popular recreation facilities in Mapleton; and

– The ABC playground in Drayton and the walking trails are the most popular outdoor venues for recreation.

Kelly also noted the company received several other ideas. They included a new marketing idea for cyclists because Mapleton has many hills, hanging baskets, youth groups and using the Festival Theatre as a movie theatre in off season.

Trends of today

Kelly said in his report research shows a number of trends in recreation.

As for youth participation, locals would like to see alternative options for recreation, seasonal programming to fill voids during the year, expanded program schedules to suit care providers and more options for special needs youths.

In arts and culture, the trends are:

– government grant programs kick start action;

– arts and cultural endeavours are being supported by municipalities through public art programs;

– senior driven because they have more time and money;

– the Creative Cities Movement stimulates place as destination’ and fosters community pride and identity;

– local public art programs supported by the municipality;

– cultural awareness supported and promoted via interactive trail or heritage tours; and

– farmers’ markets, festivals and special events.

Councillor Neil Driscoll said outdoor rinks are liked by people as they are, “As long as we don’t drag our regulations into them.”

Kelly noted a draft master plan is expected by April.
