Council awards tender for phase one of Rockmosa Park expansion

Steed and Evans was awarded the tender for phase one of the new Rockmosa Park expansion for $467,617 – significantly under the $1,005,010 budget estimate.

“With a full road closure involved in the scope of work there was an urgency to award the tender, schedule and complete the portion of work on [Wellington Road 27] prior to the start of the school year to avoid disruption with bus routes,” director of parks and recreation Robin Milne wrote in a report to council.

“To minimize disruption to park users, the remainder of the work within the park boundary will be completed after Labour Day.”

Phase one work includes: a storm sewer connection, site servicing, site grading, construction of a SWM facility (rain garden) and reconstruction of a parking lot.

 Milne awarded the tender to Seed and Evans with the approval of the CAO under the summer and election recess procedures bylaw.

The other bids submitted include:

– Drexler Construction Limited at $474,858; and

– Cox Construction Limited at 498,305.


Director of public works Harry Niemi awarded a purchase order to Duncor Enterprises Inc. for the micro-surfacing of 7th Line, Sideroad 20 and 6th Line East.

“Micro-surfacing is a cold mix blend of high quality aggregates, polymer modified emulsions, water and mineral filler mixed to a predetermined mix design,” Niemi wrote in his report.

“It reduces deterioration by sealing, prevents further oxidation, provides a high degree of skid resistance and can also correct wheel rutting.”

In total the township will be resurfacing over seven kilometres of road and the estimated cost was $190,000.

Niemi sent out a formal quotation request and sent it directly to three suppliers/contractors who provide micro-surfacing.

Duncor Enterprise won with a low bid of $178,265 which is less than the budget of $190,000.

Zoning bylaw amendment

A 23.4-hectare parcel of land has already been approved for severance from the lands at 5086 Township Road 1, but one of the conditions is to receive a zoning bylaw amendment to allow for a decreased minimum lot size from 24.163 hectares to 0.8 hectares.

The 23.4-hectare parcel of severed agricultural lands will merge with the property at 5080 Township Road 1.

“Although both lots are less than the 35 ha minimum requirement in the Official Plan, the deficiency exists today,” township planning consultant Dan Currie wrote in a report to council.

The township deemed the application complete and will proceed with a notice of  a public meeting.

