ABERFOYLE – Just in time for back-to-school, Puslinch council approved a bylaw to regulate parking and traffic around Aberfoyle Public School.
The bylaw, approved by council at its Sept. 1 meeting, also includes adding no parking signs to some 20 other roads in the township, among them three sections on Niska Road and three on Currie Drive.
Traffic concerns and parking issues have long been a problem at the Aberfoyle school and bylaw enforcement and property control officer Ivan Lunevski told council he and Mayor James Seeley met with the school’s administrators to understand the problems.
The plan they devised includes a drop-off zone in front of the school and a combination of no parking and no stopping zones on both sides of Old Brock Road and Cockburn Street.
Generally speaking, the restrictions apply from 8 to 9am and 2:30 to 3:30pm, Monday to Friday, although some sections are no stopping anytime zones.

Map of the new no stopping, no parking, and drop-off zones at Aberfoyle Public School. Council approved the parking bylaw on Sept. 1. (Council agenda image)
A notice will be sent to parents and affected neighbours outlining the changes and signs will be posted along the streets.
Lunevski said initially at least, enforcement will take the form of education rather than fines.
Councillor John Sepulis wondered if a drop-off zone at the school would cause traffic to back up on Cockburn Street, which provides access to the school for those approaching from Brock Road (Highway 6).
“The intention is not to have students dropped off on Brock Road South,” Lunevski said.
“This will create a better and safer drop-off rather than students crossing the road.”
Seeley added, “I think we’ve got it right now. This is a living document. If we’re presented with challenges, we can amend it.
“I’m stoked about this. I think it will be great.”