Tenders for the 2013 program of sidewalk and curb construction and repair were reviewed by Mapleton council at the July 9 meeting.
A total of seven tenders were received with the low tender being submitted by GJR Construction Ltd. of Kitchener, at a bid price of $73,991 plus HST. The high bid was presented by Nes-Crete Canada, RR 5, Stratford, at a bid price of $114,247 plus HST.
One bid did not include the required certified cheque in the amount of 10 per cent of the total bid and was therefore disqualified.
At the recommendation of public works director Larry Lynch, council approved awarding the tender to GJR Construction.
“GJR Construction Ltd. Has carried out this annual contract a number of times in recent years with proven ability in this regard. There are no concerns in awarding the 2013 annual repair tender to GJR,” stated Lynch in a report to council.