Councillors here are allowing the creation of a second home on a deep lot (to be severed into two lots) on Sideroad 19 in Fergus.
The zoning bylaw amendment is to change the zoning of the subject land from “R1A.70.1” Residential Site Specific to “R1A” Residential Site Specific.
The effect will permit two detached dwellings on the site – 140 Sideroad 19 – which will be divided into two lots. One of the lots would have less than an 18m frontage onto the sideroad.
The zoning amendment is a condition of approval of the County of Wellington Land Division Committee Application B 135/10.
Brian Beatty of Black, Shoemaker, Robinson & Donaldson noted there is no intention to remove the current house but it may be sold at a later time.
Councillor Stephen Kitras asked why planners had previously stipulated frontage requirements of 18m.
“What was the rationale for that?”
He then asked whether a 10m frontage would be sufficient for services and access for emergency vehicles.
Iglesias said the frontage was not for fire access, but to maintain continuity in the streetscape,
She explained that typically the pattern of development was established and the planning regulations followed that.
At the time, 18m was considered the absolute minimum.
Iglesias then pointed to facing properties on the south side of the road are narrower.
She noted there were no objections to the severance and emergency access would have been identified as an issue at that time.
Councillor Fred Morris asked if there had been any objections.
Iglesias said the original proposal was for two lots to be severed – and there were objections.
To her knowledge there were no objections to the current proposal.