Council agrees to exclude shoulders from parking bylaw

Centre Wellington councillors are ready to exclude roadside shoulders from its parking bylaw.

On March 27, councillors agreed with a report from staff to amend the local portion of the county-wide parking bylaw includes penalties for parking on road shoulders or street boulevards.

The idea back in November 2016 was to amend existing bylaw to address local parking concerns.

This amendment was also passed by the County of Wellington and the Town of Minto.

The remaining municipalities in the county disagreed with parking on the shoulder should be considered an offense.

Therefore to be consistent with the other municipalities, the latest amendment has removed parking on the shoulder as an offence.

The parking bylaw is administered by Wellington County and enforced by the OPP, therefore a unified bylaw has been in place throughout the county and passed by all area municipalities since 2000.

Councillor Kirk McElwain had no questions on the decision, but offered a “Thank you.”

Mayor Kelly Linton said the amended bylaw will help with enforcement issues regarding vehicles parking on street boulevards – after offense fines are approved.

