Council accepts offer for new sign

Although councillors are agreeable to Mike Smith’s offer of an LED reader board in front of the Mount Forest Fire Hall, there are still a few questions to deal with.

Council first accepted the offer on Monday following pres­entation of its recreation committee recommendations.

The offer was of a 4- by 8-high sign to take the place of the present message sign in front of the fire hall, conditional to an agreement to be prepared.

Councillor Ross Chaulk asked if Smith understood the position of the sign would be substantially higher from what he was originally thinking.

Councillor Bob Mason who chairs the recreation committee was uncertain if he was contacted or not.

Broomhead said that was one of the reasons the offer is being accepted on condition of an agreement.

Chaulk contended the different height might not be as suitable.

Broomhead said council knew the concerns raised by Mount Forest Fire Chief Ron MacEachern regarding visibility for the fire trucks.

His concern, raised at the recreation meeting, was if the sign would interfere with the views of fire trucks coming out of, or going into the fire station.

