Cost of paying council goes down in Mapleton

The cost of local government, in terms of pay for elected officials in the township, actually came down in 2012, compared to the previous year.

A report presented at the Jan. 22 Mapleton council meeting included a remuneration summary for all council members last year. The total cost to local taxpayers came in at $78,321, compared to $80,179 in 2011.

As in most municipalities, the mayor’s costs were the highest among council members. Mayor Bruce Whale, received total remuneration of $17,249. That includes a salary of $15,940, just over $3,000 more than councillors, who are paid $12,398. In 2011, the mayor’s salary and expenses totaled $18,938.

Whale also had meeting expenses in 2012 of $820, registration fees of $178, hotel expenses of $55, mileage and parking fees of $295 and meal expenses of $15.

The expenses of the four councillors are listed below in the following order: salary, meeting per diem fees, convention and seminar fees and pay, registration, hotel costs, mileage and parking, and meal costs:

– Jim Curry, $12,398, $1,190, $750, $1,005, $492, $809, $84, for a total of $16,731;

– Mike Downey, $12,398, $0, $480, $801, $440, $141, $134, for a total of $14,396;

– Neil Driscoll, $12,398, $810, $0, $591, $0, $0, $15, for a total of $13,816; and

– Andy Knetsch, $12,398, $1,360, $360, $573, $661, $752, $22, for a total of $16,127.

Mapleton also has five committees whose members receive remuneration and expenses. The total cost for all six committees in 2012 was $11,526, compared to $5,350 in 2011.

All three cemetery committee members, Jean Campbell and Kathryn Fowler, and Lorrie Spaling were paid $200 for attending meetings.

Meeting pay for committee of adjustment and property standards members was: Kathleen Ayres, $490; Floyd Schieck, $700; Carl Israel, $630 and Peg Schieck, $700. In addition Kathleen Ayres was reimbursed $1,086 and Peg Schieck $980 for expenses.

Maryborough housing board members received the following amounts for attending meetings Jessi Campbell, $50; Kerry Doig, $100; Vaughn Doig, $400; Sandy Vallance, $500; Lois Donaldson, $400 and Virginia Franklin, $300.

The parks and recreation committee has seven members. Four of them – Dave Geddes, Peg Schieck, Carla Schott and Spaling- were paid $350 each for attending meetings, while Dennis Craven and Kelly Culp each received $450 and Arthur Freeman $300.
