Community raised record-breaking $2.66-million this year for United Way

The people of Guelph and Wellington County have done it again, raising a record-breaking $2.66-million for the United Way and its mem­ber agencies.

That was announced last week at the campaign closing cele­bration, with over 250 Unit­ed Way volunteers in at­tendance.

The $2.66-million is based on received and pledged dol­lars, as some workplace cam­paigns continue to wrap-up into January. The total raised is $10,000 over the campaign goal announced in September.

Alastair Summerlee, the outgoing United Way campaign chairman, thanked the entire community for coming togeth­er for the United Way.

“Every workplace that con­tri­butes, every individual dona­tion, no matter the amount rais­ed, makes a significant differ­ence in our community," said Summerlee. "The United Way couldn’t support the 80 pro­grams it does without each and every donor and volunteer.”

Cargill Meat Solutions and the provincial employees at One Stone Road were recog­nized as United Way Cam­paigns of the Year. Both saw an increase in the number of their employees, 22% and 40% re­spec­tively, donating to the United Way this year. Together, those two organizations raised over $250,000.

“It is telling that both a pub­lic agency and a private com­pany took Campaign of the Year awards,” said Summerlee. "In tough economic times, it is wonderful to see the public and private sectors working in partnership to meet the needs of our community."

Ken Dardano, executive dir­ector of the United Way, echoed Summerlee’s com­ments.

“Donations are so important this year, when we are seeing increasing needs in our community for the basics like housing and food,” said Dardano. “Thanks to the com­mu­nity for coming through, we will be able to provide the neces­sary funds to our member agencies in the new year.”

Despite the economic down­turn, all business sectors contributed to the success. The University of Guelph announc­ed its contribution of $520,000 last week. Linamar Corpora­tion raised $115,000, while Cargill and The Co-operators raised $186,000 and $222,000 respectively.

In his closing remarks at the event, Summerlee officially an­nounced that Marva Wisdom will step in as the United Way of Guelph and Wellington cam­paign chairman for 2010. Wis­dom is a well-known in the community, serving on the boards of various organiza­tions, including the Rotary Club of Guelph, the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, the YM and YWCA.

She is vice-chairman of the Canadian Centre for Diversity and is the principal of Wisdom Consulting, based in Guelph.

"Marva will be a great addi­tion to the United Way cam­paign cabinet in 2010," said Dardano. "I know Alastair’s dedication and commitment over his two years as campaign chairman will inspire Marva and others on the 2010 cabi­net."

