Communities in Motion will be slightly less active next year.
In reporting to Minto council recently, councillor Barb Burrows noted the committee she has been attending on behalf of council along with Recreation Director Dave Stonley decided to meet quarterly instead of monthly. She also had a request from Helen Edwards.
They had been talking about getting some publicity into local Christmas parades.
When Burrows mentioned Minto council decided to walk in the parade, Edwards asked if councillors would consider wearing In Motion T-shirts.
Deputy-mayor Judy Dirksen said they might, but probably under layers of clothing.
Burrows said there would be larger shirts available to fit over winter clothing.
“If you need extra large shirts, Helen will be happy to get one for you.”
Anderson later noted that he has been approached by Economic Development Officer Belinda Wick-Graham, who had noted the Redneck Games wanted to put a float in the parade, and had asked him if council wanted to participate.
“They asked if we could be part of that float as council.”
He said the redneck games group would decorate the float.
“While it is a great idea to be walking in the parade,” Anderson said it would be good to promote the Redneck Games.
He asked if there was any opposition to taking part in the Redneck float as opposed to walking.
Dirksen noted that it might be a bit of a letdown to the the Communities in Motion people who had been excited about council walking in the parade.
Councillors suggested there is the potential of walking next to the float, or in other parades.
Councillor Rick Hembly suggested a redneck treadmill by taking an old skiddoo tread and turning it upside-down.