Grinder Productions presents The 18 Carat Bumpkin, a 1920’s comedy by Lillian Mortimer, Oct. 14 and 15 at the Fergus Grand theatre.
Set in the suburbs of Long Island, the play concerns the fortunes of beautiful young Alice Bisnette and her circle of whacky friends, one of whom has just invited Buddy, her “country cousin from Maine” over to visit. Hilarity ensues as the girls attempt to transform Buddy from backwoods bumpkin into a refined city slicker.
Things are not as innocent as they seem. Young Alice, though on the cusp of adulthood and about to become heiress to her father’s considerable fortune, has fallen in love with Jack Merry, a mysterious young man of whom her father does not approve. Instead, he prefers another equally mysterious man, Raymond Barkville, who, like Jack, clearly has something to hide.
And hanging over everyone’s head is the figure of The Crow, a brazen, dastardly thief who’s been robbing local socialites on their way home from the theatre. The Crow has a peculiar habit of clearing his throat just before he speaks – as does almost everyone in the Bisnette home.
The play is part comedy, part mystery and part romance. It is suitable for all ages.
There are three performances only, Oct. 14 at 8pm, and Oct. 15 at 2 and 8pm. Tickets are $20 each, with group, senior and Eyego rates available. Tickets may be ordered at the box office, by phone at 519-787-1981, or online at