Residents here might have seen tags on trees around the Fergus-Elora area recently.
That is the newest project from NeighbourWoods, the local tree stewardship program.
The tags are designed to inform passersby about the environmental benefits of each specific tree. The information on the tag is specific to that tree, based on its diameter, species, and location.
The tag provides a detailed breakdown of its contributions to the air, water, and even adjacent property value. Trees sporting the colourful tags can be seen in downtown Fergus, near the Fergus-Elora Cataract Trailway, as well as near the municipal centre in Elora.
The value of each tree is based chiefly on its size and location.
The smaller downtown trees yield about $20 in benefits each year, but are no match for the larger park trees, some of which were calculated to return over $300 dollars each year.
NeighbourWoods thanked Schelter Office Pro, in Elora, for printing and laminating the tags, and the Township of Centre Wellington for its support.
The tags, which went up on Aug. 31, will remain on the trees for a week or two.
For more information, or to find out the value of a specific tree on a property, contact NeighbourWoods at 519-846-0841 or at