Colourful tags are telling value of specific trees in C.Wellington community

Residents here might have seen tags on trees around the Fergus-Elora area recently.

That is the newest project from NeighbourWoods, the loc­al tree stewardship program.

The tags are designed to in­form passersby about the en­vironmental benefits of each spe­cific tree. The information on the tag is specific to that tree, based on its diameter, species, and location.

The tag provides a detailed breakdown of its contributions to the air, water, and even ad­jacent property value. Trees sporting the colourful tags can be seen in downtown Fergus, near the Fergus-Elora Cataract Trailway, as well as near the municipal centre in Elora.

The value of each tree is based chiefly on its size and location.

The smaller down­town trees yield about $20 in benefits each year, but are no match for the larger park trees, some of which were calculated to return over $300 dollars each year.

NeighbourWoods thanked Schelter Office Pro, in Elora, for printing and laminating the tags, and the Township of Cen­tre Wellington for its support.

The tags, which went up on Aug. 31, will remain on the trees for a week or two. 

For more information, or to find out the value of a specific tree on a property, contact Neighbour­Woods at 519-846-0841 or at

