Colborne realignment likely two years off

When all is said and done, the Colborne Street realignment may not be that noticeable to many local residents.

After considerable discussion and public meetings, it looks like the main thrust of the proposed realignment will simply be to smooth out the current 90 degree curves and make the road into a shallow ‘S’ bend.

Jeff Solly, director of land development for the Sorbara Development Group, presented the final route of the Colborne Street realignment on Aug. 27 at the last public open house on the matter.

“Once this process goes through a final report is issued by the consultant team. They go through the various scenarios previously issued, and analysis of the pros and cons of each scenario,” Solly explained.

“It all ends up in a nice fat binder, which is filed with the town and then goes through an EA process dictated by the Ministry of the Environment.”

Once that document is formally filed, there is a 30-day public review process. If there are no appeals, the document is deemed approved.

“What would happen next from our point of view is the secondary plan and the land use discussions,” said Solly. “Hopefully we will get into those discussions this fall.

On display last week was the preferred route.

“It is not really much different than what is there now, but the road curvature is much more gentle. You won’t have the 90-degree bends,” Solly said of the realignment.

Yet where the road comes in from Elora past Gerrie Road and where it exits onto the Beattie Line in Fergus will essentially be no different.

“The entry and exit points are the same,” Solly said.

He noted there were significant discussions with both the Centre Wellington and Groves hospital representatives – “major stakeholders with an interest in this.”

As to when construction will begin, Solly explained there is a secondary plan still in the process, which would probably last a year.  Then there is a detailed draft plan of subdivision process, which could also take a year.

“After that we could see some dirt moving on site and some marketing. It could be two (plus) years,” Solly said.

“We hope it will be within a two-year time from. Our company is excited about this community and we’ve had the land for some time. Now is the time to develop a community which will work really well for Fergus and Elora.”
