Coalition offers thanks for making Morriston bypass a reality

As the Morriston bypass moves closer to reality, the bypass coalition took time out to thank Wellington-Halton Hills MPP Ted Arnott and members of Puslinch council for their support to make it happen.

On June 13 Rory McAlpine of the Morriston Bypass Coalition presented certificates of appreciation to Arnott and Puslinch Mayor Dennis Lever (representing all Puslinch councillors).

McAlpine, senior vice president for government and industry relations for Maple Leaf Foods, thanked council for inviting Arnott to the meeting.

“Arnott played a critical role in dealing with some road issues. The Morriston bypass has been the big issue and challenge for this community for many years. Maple Leaf Foods has been very concerned about it because of our new distribution centre here in Puslinch which is dependent on the ease of movements of trucks to that facility.”

McAlpine added that for the past few years with the collaboration of the township and a number of players in the community, businesses, chambers of commerce “we put together a plan and our best ally advocating for this … was Ted, who was tireless in working with our coalition and his friends at Queen’s Park to constantly work for this. He was there for us at every step and in passing on our message to the Minister of Transportation.”

McAlpine said gradually the message got through and in recent months, “the great News came in that the Morriston bypass will come to pass. It’s still a few years in the future, but at least we have a commitment.”

McAlpine added, “Ted’s not the only one who deserves our thanks. Dennis was also a tremendous leader. I’ve never quite seen such an effective partnership between the community, business and the political side.”

He added the idea of working together was so effective … right from the beginning.

McAlpine said he wanted to recognize both Lever and members of council for their efforts.

Arnott thanked McAlpine for his kind presentation, “it was entirely unnecessary, but I do appreciate it.”

He added “it was a pleasure to work with you and the members of the Morriston bypass coalition and especially my township colleagues.”

Arnott said the township “provided extraordinary leadership on this issue. It’s very unusual for a project like this to be placed on the five-year plan through this route.

“But it is a testament to the outstanding leadership that you showed.”

Lever added “it was a real team effort … and Ted and Rory were key members of this group.”
