Climate change

While little sympathy will be extended our way, it’s been a tough week adjusting to the change in climate, after spending most of last week in Florida.

Escaping winter’s frigid -30 embrace into 20-plus degree weather was a welcome treat, but reality took hold quickly as the plane hit the ground. 

Kids off school for the day, employees concerned about getting home safely and the omnipresent struggles in the mailroom to package the newspaper and deliver it in good time weigh heavily on the mind today. As has been the case for over five decades, the paper always gets out, one way or the other.

That effort, delivering in less-than-ideal conditions, was a musing point on the weekend as we reviewed the paper and some of our social media content from the week away. 

One atypical post caught our eye, including a website story notifying readers that deliveries were under way and that patience would be appreciated as carriers and drivers fought a fierce storm.

Since it wasn’t something we typically do, I pestered the editor on the weekend to see what happened and how it came to be posted. It’s actually a good story in itself.

Delivering 40,000 newspapers a week is no easy feat. It’s a coordinated effort between a mailroom staff of 20, about 160 carriers and 30 drivers. Our complaints are minimal, but sometimes in this climate of “special me” and everyone having an opinion, a very small number of complainants can be downright vicious and cruel. Not this week though.

No, this time a kind soul had made inquiries if carriers would be forced to deliver Thursday in the cold. Of course, road and weather conditions always factor into expectations each week. So, our circulation team was able to communicate that back quickly to the concerned party. 

Here’s where the story gets good: the young lad who delivered her paper was such a good boy and does such a great job, she hoped he wouldn’t feel pressured to brave the elements. It was a very kind sentiment and a response staff here greatly appreciated.

As we work through the next round of storms, thanks to readers for their patience – and thank you carriers and drivers for the extra effort it takes to do a good job under trying circumstances.

Elsewhere in the news

A great debate has ensued online after a letter was published last week entitled “Arts vs. Arenas”.

It caught our eye immediately – call it a sixth sense for conversations that could go bad quickly. Sure enough, the subject has exploded.

Suffice to say, it only takes one poor word choice to fan the flames. 

Suggesting “the sports community is quite lazy,” was not fair to say, as suggested by the author, but rather quite a hurtful statement. 

We have known dozens of coaches and volunteers over the years who gave countless hours teaching, training and helping young people experience the benefits of sports. Their contribution to Centre Wellington was, and the work of current volunteers is, priceless. 

Although a positive reference was made to coaches in this letter, the generalization of overall laziness dwarfed the accolade. 

The fact is, staff are required when it comes to maintaining and operating township-owned facilities.

Were charges of laziness brought against the arts community, there would be similar howls of indignation and deservedly so. Artisans add greatly to the quality of life in this area and the community at large would be poorer for not having such passionate people living and working here.

Council faces myriad funding requests and somehow must manage expectations. If a perception exists that one group is getting more than another, the argument for increased funding should be made based on merit, not degrading another group’s value.

Centre Wellington is not alone in this challenge, as towns and townships each face competing interests of where to invest taxpayer funds, so all groups feel appreciated and valued. 

