The Centre Wellington Clerk’s department has been busy working towards a number of goals in its strategic plan for the past year.
Clerk Marion Morris reported to a special council meeting on Nov. 16 that the council has adopted the customer service standard policies and procedures, and the department is busy training all the township employees in its implementation.
She said the mandatory training, designed so every employee in the township is aware of how to treat citizens who approach them, will be completed by Dec. 31.
The department has also been busy training staff on its new file classification system.
The department established central filing area and file conversion has been completed in the Parks and Recreation department.
The department is now working with the Public Works Department to get it a central filing area and file conversion.
As well, new shelving was installed in the upper level vault at the administration centre, and conversion of the clerk’s and planning files in continuing.
She told the committee that the files will be placed in a fireproof area.
Morris said the department has also made significant changes to the dog licensing and increased the revenue generated to offset the canine control expenses.
Areas that proved to be a challenge this year included a review of the transient trader bylaw and the procedural bylaw and the development of the corporate template, which were all delayed.
The compliance with accessibility legislation has also been delayed, but Morris had reported earlier that is a massive task that will have an effect on the township for years to come.
The province has legislated that all buildings have to be accessible to the handicapped, and the township owns many buildings.
On the positive side, the township budget will allow the department to continue to implement the corporate records management system
The department plans to continue to improve storage areas to maximize space.
There are arrangements in place to take advantage of the Centre Wellington District High School student placement program.
And, Morris reported, staff will share training opportunities and resources with area municipalities for the coming election next November.
Councillor Bob Foster was unable to attend.
Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj said she has heard complaints about the behavior of dogs in the community, and asked if owners are aware of their responsibility.
Morris said the department provides literature about owner responsibility, and it hands it out to callers and dog owners.