East Wellington Community Services (EWCS) is looking for a little extra support this holiday season.
On Dec. 5, Erin Town Crier Andrew Welch bid welcome to those attending the launch of the EWCS Christmas Fundraising Campaign.
For over 25 years, EWCS has provided various programs and services to the local community helping 24,000 children, seniors and families.
Welch said residents “are urged to give the gift of community support, so that we may raise $25,000.
“The secret to making the most of the season is sharing with others,” Welch said.
“We help out the elves and bestow comfort on others.”
EWCS president Allan Alls added it was his pleasure to announce this year’s campaign which has a goal of reaching $25,000.
Guelph-Eramosa councillor John Scott offered a token cheque of $100 to start the campaign.
Executive director Kari Simpson, executive director outlined some of the programs offered by EWCS such as a seniors programs like the day program and for active seniors.
Other programs include Early Years programs for participants up to six-years-old.
She pointed to the clothing and bookstore operated by EWCS and the recent launch of an online bookstore.
Simpson said there is a huge volunteer contingent to keep the programs running.
She commented briefly on the transportation program which helps bring seniors to medical appointments, or to programs offered through EWCS.
Funds raised during the annual campaign go directly into more than 50 programs and services, such as the food bank, seniors adult day programs, active seniors, new telassurance and friendly visiting programs through partnership with the VON, information and referral services and more.
For more information see the website at www.eastwellingtoncommunityservices.com or email info@ew-cs.com