Christmas campaign hopes to help over 100 county families

Once again this holiday season, The Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington hopes to bring the generous spirit of the season to families in need through their Adopt-A-Family program.

While the program supports approximately 700 families in the region, referred to the program by social service agencies, there are currently more than 100 families on the waiting list to be “adopted.”

Adopt-A-Family wish lists are provided to donors, detailing  both the needs and wishes of the children in the family. Donors are also asked to consider requests for grocery gift cards and a small gift for the parents.

“We work with over 700 households of those most in need in our rural community of Wellington County; families living in poverty for many reasons, and many struggling to provide the basic needs of shelter, food and clothing for their children,” said Naomi Melnick, assistant executive director  of the Community Resource Centre.

“Working with Adopt-A-Family allows us to provide hundreds of our families with a Christmas that many of them never imagined possible,” Melnick said.

“It is a win-win program for our community. The families that are assisted are provided with not only gifts, but with the boost of knowing that someone would be kind enough to give to a stranger.”

Melnick quoted a letter from a single mom who received assistance during the 2011 campaign: “It is wonderful to feel supported and be reminded of my worthiness.”

Melnick adds that, from a donor’s perspective, it is an opportunity to experience the joy of giving.

To find out more about how you can contribute to Adopt-A-Family, visit or contact the Adopt-A-Family team at 519-829-0855.
