Chong announces funding for student jobs

Wellington-Halton Hills MP Michael Chong has announced funding through a Career Focus project sponsored by the federal gover­nment of Canada.


The Elora Environment Cen­tre will receive $29,872 in Career Focus funding to sup­port its urban tree stewardship project, NeighbourWoods.

With that funding, the centre has hired two graduating stud­ents as tree stewards, helping them gain hands-on experience and apply skills they ac­quired through their education.

“I am pleased that we are able to both support young gradu­ates and at the same time support the Elora Environment Centre NeighbourWoods pro­gram,” said Chong. “This pro­gram will allow these two re­cent graduates to gain valuable work experience while support­ing the environmental work of this excellent community-based environmental organiza­tion.” 

The federal government is working with the provinces and territories, community organi­za­tions and other stakeholders to provide Canadians with the training, skills and oppor­tuni­ties they need to get jobs and contribute to their commu­nities.

Through its 2010 budget, the government of Canada com­mitted an additional $60-million to the Skills Link and Career Focus programs. The additional spending will enable more young Canadians to gain the experience and skills they need to successfully participate in the labour market while the economy recovers.

Career Focus is part of the government strategy to create the best educated, most skilled, and most flexible workforce in the world. The Career Focus program is delivered by Ser­vice Canada, which provides one-stop personalized services for government of Canada pro­grams, services, and benefits.

For more information visit ser­vice­  or call 1-800-O Canada.

