Chamber choir offers spectacular Vespers of 1610 on May 1

The voices of the Guelph Chamber Choir will fill the Church of Our Lady in a 2010 recreation of Montever­di’s masterpiece, Vespers of 1610 as the choir brings its celebratory 30th anniversary season to a climax on May 1,  at 8pm.


A work of monumental pro­portions, the Vespers features eight soloists and de­mands a choir adept enough to cover to ten simultaneous vocal parts, fully supported by an or­chestral array of early Baroque strings, cornetti, sackbuts, re­cord­ers, and more.

Immense in scale, Mon­te­verdi’s Vespers of 1610 was the most ambitious work of sacred music before Bach. It bridges the spiritual traditions of Ren­ais­sance music with the more humanist values of the Baroque age.

Conductor Gerald Neufeld has drawn from the vocal talents of the community with a line-up of local and national soloists including Daniel Cabena, Rebecca Collett, Chris Fischer, Marcus Kramer, Ste­ph­anie Kramer, Neil McLaren, Jennifer Enns Modolo, and Geoffrey Sirett.

Neufeld said, “It is a privi­lege to perform a work of this magnitude and historical signi­ficance the way it might have been performed in San Marco in Venice.

The Church of Our Lady is an ideal venue to re­create a work with so much col­our and imagination as a final concert for our 30th anni­versary season.” 

The Guelph Chamber Choir is presenting the work at the city’s core, the visually and acoustically splendid Church of Our Lady.

When John Galt founded Guelph in 1827, he announced that “on this hill would one day rise a church to rival St. Peter’s in Rome.”

The current building is the third church to stand on this site, whose prominent sight lines across the city are pro­tected by city law. It is Cana­dian architect Joseph Con­nolly’s undisputed masterwork, built of local limestone in the Gothic Revival style.

Construction started in 1877, but took more than 50 years to complete.

It is a good venue for the performance of Renaissance art.

Attend a special podium talk on early instruments im­mediately before the perfor­mance at 7pm.

Hear and see how instrumentalists of the 17th century work to produce music with live interactions with the musicians.

Tickets are available through the River Run Centre by calling 519-763-3000, on­line at or at the door at Church of Our Lady. Choir and board members will also sell tickets.

Tickets are are $25 each (students and eyeGO: $10 and $5).

To lear more, visit www.­ or call 519-836-5103.

