Centre Wellington’s proposed capital projects for 2025 to top $26 million

CENTRE WELLINGTON – Council is contemplating $26.4 million in capital projects in 2025.

Staff presented the 2025 preliminary draft capital budget to council at a special committee of the whole meeting on Sept. 19. The draft outlined some major construction projects, plans and studies to occur in 2025. 

And the list does not include a new multi-use surface at Bissell Park in Elora, construction of the new operations centre in Fergus or vehicle replacement.

“These will come forward later,” explain treasurer Adam McNabb.

The presentation contained an overview of projects in the queue to-date. It’s a long list and below are just a few.

Belwood Hall

Belwood Hall was constructed in the 1870s and needs structural work, accessible washrooms and entry, and an upgraded commercial kitchen, among other work. 

The budget for 2025 is $450,000; total project cost is $795,600.

Colborne Street from Beatty Line to Frederick Campbell Street

As the Storybrook development in north Fergus  continues, Colborne Street will be realigned and reconstructed through the development, including extending watermains, storm sewers, curbs and gutters, sidewalk, and a multi-use path. 

The work is to begin next spring for December 2025 completion – budgeted at $5.7 million for 2025.

Phase 2 of St. David St. N. from Garafraxa Street to Edinburgh Ave.

 The second phase of the St. David Street project is to commence next spring for December 2025 completion. 

Traffic calming measures to address cut-through traffic will be in place in advance of construction. The 2025 budget is $3.25 million; total project cost $8.8 million.

Bridge 3-WG on 4th Line of former West Garafraxa

This two-lane bridge sees 1,100 vehicles per day and has become a vital link for north-south traffic. 

Proposed work includes a new bridge deck and an improved approach barrier systems. Cost is $1.1 million.

Craighead Cottage

Craighead Cottage is a  historical home on Union Street in Fergus that is owned by the township. 

The municipality purchased it in 2009 in anticipation of significant expansion at the neighbouring Union Street sewage pumping station. 

But the environmental assessment and servicing plan for the Fergus South development now indicate the Union Street sewage pumping station will not need to expand. And so work on the house must be done. 

The township anticipates the house can be used as temporary accommodation for health care professionals, especially as Gartshore House will have to close when the operations centre is built. 

Cost for Craighead Cottage is budgeted at $450,000 in 2025. Total cost is estimated at $800,000.

Next steps

Council did not make any decisions on the projects, nor did it approve the capital budget.

Township staff was seeking direction from council to include the preliminary draft capital budget in the overall 2025 draft budget, and that is what was approved.

An additional pre-budget meeting is scheduled for Nov. 5. Topics planned for the meeting include:

  • any changes made to the 2025 draft capital budget since Sept. 19;
  • the 10-year bridge and major culvert plan;
  • 2026 to 2034 capital forecast (if complete);
  • a projection of debt requirements and a calculation of debt capacity and repayment limits;
  • results of the public engagement survey; and
  • any other budget-related matters that are ready to be presented to council.

Budget deliberation meetings are planned for Dec. 3 and another on Dec. 5 if necessary.

Council is expected to approve the 2025 budget on Dec. 16.

Visit connectcw.ca to comment on the proposed budget.