NeighbourWoods wants to find and celebrate some of the township’s biggest and most storied trees, so it has launched the Great Heritage Tree Hunt.
There are three categories – tallest, biggest around, and the best heritage story.
It takes just a few minutes to fill out a ballot for one of three prizes: a hundred-dollar dinner for two at the recently restored Cambridge Mill on the Grand River (sister property to our Elora Mill), a GRCA gift pack, which includes a vehicle pass welcoming the owner into any GRCA park in 2012, and a one-hundred-dollar gift certificate at Roxanne’s Reflections Book and Card Shop, in downtown Fergus.
Entry forms include simple instructions on how to measure the tree and are available at community libraries, Roxanne’s Bookshop, Santé Natural Food Emporium in Elora, Fountain Head Health Food Store in Fergus, or by download from the Elora Environment Centre’s website at www.eloraenvironmentcentre. ca.
Contest coordinator Kris Rocci pointed out that entering the best story category may take a little more time, “but it gives you a chance to practice your creative writing skills.”
Rocci said, “The judges from Heritage Centre Wellington will be looking for interesting, historical anecdotes. One glorious sugar maple, for example, is loved because its branches have welcomed climbing children for three generations of a farming family.”
Many thanks to the prize sponsors and Heritage Centre Wellington judges.
Contest closes Aug. 31 and winners will be announced and prizes awarded by Centre Wellington mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj on Sept. 12.
People can enter as many trees as they wish, but must use a separate ballot for each entry.
For more information, contact Rocci at NeighbourWoods at 519-846-0841 or by email at