FERGUS – Theatre Centre Wellington is in full swing, with students at Centre Wellington District High School performing two pieces, in shows on Dec. 3, 4, and 5. These productions will travel to Guelph in February to compete at the district level of the National Theatre School DramaFest.

Photos by Brianna Harriot
Project Thesis is a student-written play that examines artifacts from the digital age and questions just exactly what people were up to at this time. Pictured are, from left, Shuva Bhandari, Manuela Ghezzi, Hannah Holmes, Nicholas Bunch and Robyn Cranston.

Ella Heal
The second play, #Viral, which includes Gia Rai and Ella Heal, examines issues of cell phones, social media and online bullying. Both shows involve more than 30 students in areas such as technical production, costumes, makeup, props, acting, directing and stage management.

Photos by Brianna Harriot