Centre Wellington returns to in-person council meetings

ELORA – Residents and delegations will be welcomed back in person when Centre Wellington council returns to its chamber here on April 19 for a 1pm Committee of the Whole meeting.

“It’s hard to believe that our last in-person meeting was in February of 2020,” Mayor Kelly Linton stated in a press release.

“I am looking forward to seeing my colleagues … and welcoming our community members back to in-person meetings.

“The ability to hold virtual meetings allowed us to continue the business of the township, and to carry on with many important decisions of council for our community.  Now we will continue the important work that council and staff do, in person.”

Council has been conducting virtual meetings since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020.

Council and Committee of the Whole meetings will continue to be live streamed for members of the public.

For a complete meeting schedule, visit www.centrewellington.ca.