Centre Wellington Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj believes Ontario’s new premier may be willing to listen to Centre Wellington’s message.
Premier Kathleen Wynne was in Elora on March 8 to make an announcement regarding Ontario’s horse racing industry.
“(The premier) chose to come to the Grand River Raceway – as one of the properties where they are working to come up with a solution to continue with this very successful business model,” Ross-Zuj said.
She found the announcement very encouraging, though details are not all clear.
The mayor met with Dr. Ted Clarke from the raceway on March 11 to determine what is known.
“There is still a lot we don’t know, but we both feel this is a very positive step and moving in the right direction.”
Ross-Zuj agreed “there are still some huge issues to be sorted out.”
But this was a good News story, she said, and the mayor was pleased the announcement was made in the community.
Though the mayor was at a Federation of Canadian Municipalities meeting in British Columbia, councillors Walt Visser and Mary Lloyd were in attendance.
Ross-Zuj noted an invitation was made for the premier to return. She added “the premier really does like our community and was here when acting as the Minister of Transportation.”
Ross-Zuj explained the invitation was for the premier to come back and discuss some of the other issues to be expanded upon.
“I can’t imagine the things we want to talk about are not already on her radar. But it is always nice to tell our story.”
Ross-Zuj added when Wynne was last in the council chamber, she understood the issues which could be involved in the municipal maintenance of 104 bridges.
The transportation network was extremely important to Wynne, Ross-Zuj said.
The mayor added there are enough issues that a trip to Queen’s Park is in order.