Centre Wellington Hydro offers savings

A power sav­ings blitz is well underway in Centre Wellington.

It is a break for small busi­nesse that can get up to $1,000 in free incentives to do electricity retrofits that improve energy efficiency, and reduce operating costs. The program is from the Ontario Power Auth­ority and is spon­sored locally by Centre Well­ington Hydro.

Businesses can set up a free energy audit of their premises with a licensed local electrical contractor. The business will be provided with a list of recom­men­ded up­grades including a variety of efficient lighting and hot water insulation products. The first $1,000 of qualifying retrofits is covered by the in­cen­tive pro­gram, so some ret­rofits could cost a business zero. Virtually all organizations that are a sub-50 kilowatt customer of Centre Wellington Hydro can qualify.

Many businesses have already bene­fited from the program. Insur­ance broker Steve Lund re­cently had outdated lighting in his downtown Fergus office replaced with high-efficiency models.

“We noticed a substantial cost savings on our electricity bill immediately,” said Lund. “It could not have been an easi­er process … There is no initial financial outlay required or waiting period for reimburse­ment. The entire process is handled by the contractor.”

Upgrading older lighting is a simple and cost-effective way to reduce energy consumption and electricity bills.

Lund was also impressed with the improvement in light quality.

“I would have never known how much of a difference the new lighting could make. Dur­ing the installation process we were able to visually compare how dull and yellow our pre­vious lighting was. The new light­ing is much brighter, white, and easier on the eyes.”

Lund recommended the pow­er savings blitz to other busi­ness owners. He added, “I can­not even imagine how any busi­ness owner could refuse $1,000 of free upgrades to their lighting, not withstanding the impact to their electricity bill.”

Centre Wellington Hydro President Doug Sherwood could not agree more.

“This is a great opportunity for businesses looking to re­duce their operating costs by reducing their electricity con­sumption,” said Sherwood. “Even retrofits exceeding the $1,000 incentive in cost typically have a very short-term payback. This is a win-win prop­osition for the custo­mer and the environment.”

For more information, or to schedule a free assessment, businesses can contact the program manager, EnerSpec­trum Group at 1-877-66-BLITZ (25489) or email powersavingsblitz@­ener­spectrum.com.

