Claiming Gold – On Oct. 21 the Centre Wellington Fusion U11A team travelled to Kitchener to compete in the Kitchener Oktoberfest AA tournament. Team officials say the players worked hard and battled together, going undefeated and winning the gold medal in a 3-0 game against the Barrie Colts. Bottom row (goalies) from left are: Conner Beirnes and Ronan Willoughby. Middle row, from left: Colson Sullivan, Sydney Heasman, Chase MacDonald, Drew Ferguson, Max Downey, Tayler Halls, Cade Martin, Mitchell Readyhough and Emerson Fox. Top row from left: Caine Machin, Evan Ososki, Ashton Sullivan, Braeden McFarlane, Jack Stracina and Spencer Mackay. Coaches, from left: Jeremy Machin, Chris Ososki, Scott Heasman, Craig Downey and Brock Hoelscher.