Centre offering services for unexpected pregnancies opens

On Sept. 7 a new centre for women facing an unexpected pregnancy opened in Fergus.

The planning team, along with director Shadia Staebler and over 150 community members, were joined by Mayor Kelly Linton and councillor Steve Van Leeuwen for the official ribbon cutting at the centre on St. Andrew Street West.

“We are so thankful for the overwhelming positive support we have received and the tremendous turnout to our grand opening,” said Staebler.

“We look forward to partnering together to support women and families in this region.

 “We are here for women. We meet with women to talk about their pregnancy options and the support options offered by us and other agencies in our community,” she added.

“We support a woman during and after her decision, regardless of the choice she makes. Not all the women we see need support after their decision, but for those who do, we provide abortion and adoption grief support (usually in the form of counselling and/or group support programs) and parenting supports – (gently used clothing, prenatal classes and group parenting support and mentoring programs).”

The centre opened for clients on Sept. 11 and will be open three days per week.
