Ceilidh set for Fergus Community Market Dec. 13

This community has been chosen as the only one in Canada  for the BBC’s new Empire Series.

Robin Dashwood, will be in Fergus Dec. 11 through 14, conducting interviews and filming all aspects of the earliest history of the town, which was founded in 1833 by James Webster and Adam Fergusson. As part of the filming, the BBC asked if locals could hold a ceilidh.

Everyone is welcome to attend an evening of tradition Scottish entertainments on the second floor of Fergus Community Market, 227 St. Andrew Street West on Dec. 13, beginning at 6pm. Doors will open early.

Visitors are asked to bring folding chairs if are planning to stay for the evening. Admission is by donation. The money collected will assist with expenses.

Refreshments and snacks will be available. A whiskey tasting is planned for those who would like to sample a wee dram – a truly Scottish tradition.

The entertainment include The Cleikum – the Fergus Pipe Band, 18 pipers strong, from 6 to 6:30pm; Harpist Hollie Anne Duby from 6:30 to – 7pm, The Farm Team and Mixed Company, the Eramosa 4-H Square Dancers who perform to Scottish music, from 7 to 7:30; the Fergus Traditional Scottish Country Dancers from 7:30 to 8pm.

Other entertainers through the night will include; Nonie Crete & Company; Scott Woods & Friends; The Kitchen Ceilidh featuring the Grand Celtic Pipe Band & MacDonald School of Scottish Dance; and the Grand Finale featuring the Fergus Pipe Band with Scott Woods, Carolyn Woods and friends. Announcer for the evening is Bronwyn Allen-Hill. 

The vendors of Fergus Community Market will hold a special Christmas Market during the evening. 

Local organizer Pat Mestern asked that those planning to attend could consider wearing “ a wee bit of tartan” to show that Fergus still has some pride in its Scottish heritage.


