The Wellington Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) approved its 2013-14 budget during a meeting on June 24.
The 2013-2014 budget represented total expenditures of $95.2 million, with a revised budget for 2012-2013 at $96.5 million.
The budget represents a 1.3 per cent decrease in total expenditures over the 2012-2013 projections. The budget is within Ministry enveloping requirements but represents an in-year deficit of $680,000.
As with all public sector transfer payment recipients, the budget required actions by the board that reflected the fiscal constraints of the provincial government.
These actions included:
– staffing reductions in teaching and non-teaching areas totaling 23.6 FTE;
– resource and services reduction; and
– the curtailment of professional development programs.
Additionally, implementing provincial labour agreements (MOU) will potentially have budget implications during the 2013-14 fiscal year.
Full day Junior/Senior Kindergarten (FDK)
The phasing in of the fourth year of FDK costs and associated revenues are included within in the budget. In 2013-2014, the board has budgeted $3.5 million for this initiative. In September 2013 the board will have 14 schools and approximately 661 students in the full day program.
In 2013/14 total board enrolments are projected at 7,386 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) students. Elementary panel enrolment is projected to decrease by approximately 178 FTE or about 3.5 % (4,941 FTE registered for September 2013).
In the secondary panel, enrolments are projected to decrease by 65 FTE or 2.6%. The impact of declining enrolment affects the board’s ability to offset overhead costs in operating the board.
Funding to offset a portion of the loss in grants is provided through the declining enrolment grant ($744,164).
At August 31, 2012, the board had an accumulated surplus available for compliance of $5,786,158.
The projected balance for August 31, 2013 is $4,696,680. The budget requires the use $682,696 of the 2013 balance. The board has implemented reduction strategies consistent with the deficit plan filed with the Ministry during 2012-2013. The two-year plan will result in a balanced budget for 2014-2015.
For further information, on the budget, visit