My love of long car rides was inherited from my father. He taught me to appreciate the rural…
Open Mind – Managing change
By Ethena Williams, Clinical counsellor/social worker Change is a given and constant factor in…
Trust eroded and time/money wasted
Well, that was unnecessarily painful. After almost two years of doing everything in their power to…
Mapleton, north Wellington news from 1854, 1929
Farmers in Peel and Maryborough finished their 1854 harvest during the first 10 days of September.
Lottery win
Well, it … has … happened. Guelph recently “won” the cannabis store lottery. But…
You just don’t know
A workmate a lifetime ago was having a tough day. She had just learned a co-worker’s husband had taken his life and wasn’t sure what to make of it.
It’s as if August knows that September is right behind it, so it hurries out of the way.
The perfect end to a perfect summer is happening for me right now, as you’re reading these words.…
Governing backwards
“Walking it back” is a time-honoured tradition in the never ending political/media/public…
Pearle development
This week’s Advertiser features a number of articles about the Pearle Hospitality condo…
OPINION – Coping with municipal funding cuts
Premier Doug Ford announced that his government is moving forward with the plan to download the…
Fergus doctors developed anemia cure in 1927
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
Not long now
It seems it wasn’t days ago when school let out. Here we are at the end of August, heading into a…
Elora residents staged village’s Old Home Week in 1920
A few weeks ago, Marjorie Durnford and Elsie Dickieson dropped by with a most interesting photograph.
I have never been so grateful for back and muscle pain relievers as I was this weekend. No regrets. I can honestly say I enjoyed Riverfest Elora to the fullest of my personal capacity, if also to the detriment of my knee caps.