The ability to be present is a strength and doesn’t come easily to most of us. We often live day to day on autopilot, plowing through the daily obstacles and to-do’s with anxiety and time pressure existing to get through the next item.
We all win
Canada just celebrated its largest medal haul at the Olympic Summer Games in Paris, France.
I meant to pack the anti-nausea medicine. Motion sickness and vertigo are inherited traits. I cannot read in a moving car or sit backwards on a train. Roller coasters? Forget about it. Those glory days are behind me.
Stand with Evan
It’s funny the things people pick up along the way.
News from the Mapleton Township area in 1878, 1903
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
Prickly yet perfect
Before a warning could be issued, a hand reached out to touch the purple flower, resulting in a loud yelp. Oww, that hurt.
So long July, you most beautiful of months, you. Thanks for a great birthday, for introducing me to amazing people, for unexpected adventures and for the reminder that I have an amazing community around me. It’s been fun.
Civic Holiday in 1870s had community purpose
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
‘Banned’ is the correct term
As Centre Wellington council decides whether it will allow historic Elora Mohawks banners to be reinstalled at the Elora arena, it is hoped sensible conversations ensue.
Christian Kloepfer dominated Guelph business sector
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
I stepped out of the shower onto the soft, luxurious mat and immediately felt the pain of something sharp pierce the ball of my foot. Ouch.
How bad does it have to get?
For those of us who follow politics closely, the attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump seemed to be a matter of time. If not Trump, it would have been someone else.
Well-meaning friends and colleagues have told me throughout my life that I need to stop worrying and learn to let things go, like water rolling off a duck’s back. Let the opinions and actions of others roll right off my back.