I can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving weekend. I’m not complaining though, I’m excited.
To continue, to go on
On a trip to Markham last week, emergency vehicles with flashing lights lined each overpass on Highway 407. Surely there couldn’t be an incident one after the other we thought.
Movie critic
The Carpenter loves watching movies with me. He really does. You can’t imagine how much.
Some lively contests in 1954 municipal elections
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
Mosborough engineer was considered best in Canada
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
I was late to work on Monday because I was attending the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. I am glad I made time to pay my respects. And yes, I wore black to work.
Mental wellness in farming communities
In June 2021, the Suicide Awareness Council Wellington Dufferin had a working group that partnered with farmers to create a magazine called Grounded (https://sacwd.ca/content/working-groups/grounded_v3_final_revised_small.pdf).
Back to normal – sort of
The Highland Games, fall fairs and packed public events – it seems like things are back to normal.
Great sadness
It was only two-and-a-bit months ago that county council shared a toast to the Queen.
Political butterfly effect
Among my favorite movies is The Butterfly Effect. The 2004 film features Ashton Kutcher as a troubled time traveller who discovers, to his chagrin, that attempts to correct mistakes in the past can generate unintended consequences for the future.
There is a superstition that if you kill a spider, it will rain that day. This begs the question, what if you spare them?