The Government of Canada is focused on creating jobs and economic growth for all Canadians. In…
Millennials’ problems
There clearly is a growing problem among millennials, those born between the years 1985 and 2000.…
Financial challenges
The success of our institutions for higher education is key to our economic future. Yet changes in…
Arthur area residents pioneered in agricultural innovation
In the first decades of the 20th century, Arthur Township developed a tradition of novelty in…
Wow, what a weekend!
Wow! What a weekend – a better time could not be had! It all started out at my 80th birthday…
Disappointing ‘capex’
For an economy to prosper, companies must spend money on new plants and equipment – capital…
Fighting terrorism
Canada is not immune from terrorism. The week of Oct. 19, Parliament was attacked and two…
Policy makers’ mess
A recent book by Martin Wolf, an esteemed commentator published in the London (England) Times,…
Vacuums, X-rays, Melville church: More historical briefs for 2014
Last week’s column featured a few odds and ends that have been accumulating in my files. Here…
Stop the press
Not often does stop-the-press news cross my desk, but when it comes but once in a hundred years, I…
Elliott best choice as leader
The Ontario Progressive Conservative Party is engaged in a leadership race which is getting more…
I’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts there are fewer than 10 per cent of readers, of the over…
Teenage comedic genius
By the end of this week, the Carpenter and I will officially be the parents of two teenagers. The…
Poetry of time
The foremost side of the handout card at the sign-in podium of the Smith Funeral Home, 1576 London…
Going nowhere
While this column is about Canada’s Business, what goes on south of the border is of…