One in five Canadian jobs depends on trade. So, expanding trade is critically important to creating…
Bread delivery man killed at Elora railway station in 1929
Some of the most senseless accidents, and all too many consequent fatalities, are those involving…
Fergus and Elora experienced fires in May of 1930
Earlier in 2014 this column noted fires seem to occur in clusters. This week’s column deals…
Happy Daddy’s Day
Fathers everywhere will likely enjoy a fabulous Father’s Day on Sunday and that’s…
You know what I want to be this summer? I want to be bored, just like my kids. Sign me up. My…
Creative destruction
Economists hold forth about the effects of the creative destruction; it is what makes capitalism…
Barn fires added to problems of Wellington County farmers in 1930
I have remarked previously about the curious way fires seem to have occurred locally in clusters.…
TV trays
Pretend I was wealthy and could afford to hire people to do the things I was too busy making money…
Booze and break-ins kept authorities busy in late 1930
Prohibition in Ontario ended in 1927, when the provincial government authorized the sale of beer…
Done did it
Yes sir, madam, and mesdemoiselles, his and hers and guys and dolls, with, perhaps, long overdue…
Butter tarts
A couple of days ago, on checking my emails, one came to me from a years-and-years-ago friend,…
Coroner’s inquest investigated deaths in 1949 Mount Forest fire
Last week’s column described the fires in the house of George White of Mount Forest on Jan.…
Half and half
The sun shone brightly through my window as I awoke the other morning. It had broken through the…
Tanner’s woolen mill in Mount Forest burned twice in a year
George Tanner of Mount Forest was one of dozens of small manufacturers in Wellington County in the…
Ornamental birds
Birds, birds, and more birds – that’s what I saw this past weekend. A friend of mine…