So often when the telephone rings, it is a telemarketer asking for a charitable donation. Whether…
What happened to the institution of marriage?
Something starling is taking place in our society. According to the latest statistics, for the…
A pending deadline
As that great investment expert Tobert Prechter has stated, “Commodities are far more…
Stock market trading is going crazy
The recent wild swings in the stock market, not surprisingly, have unsettled many investors. Yet,…
Chinny, chin, chin
Everybody has something they do in the privacy of their homes that they don’t want anyone…
Belief in huge inheritance is a pipe dream
Recent articles in the press stated that retails sales for luxury goods are booming. Apparently,…
The emperors new clothes meet some modern art
Modern art reminds us of Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Stories. There, it took a small boy…
Easter Bunnies
You are not going to believe this, but the Easter Bunny came to our house Easter Sunday. It has…
Birds are back
Due to the topsy-turvy ups and downs of the weather, the birds have been slow coming back to our…
Fencing has always been a real problem up here in stony country, but in my eyes that all changed…
Birthday blues
It goes without saying that men and women view birthdays differently. Everything from the gift to…
A turning point
Clearly, the economy now is at a major turning point; what economists call “an inflection…
Devoid of meaning
Nowadays we seem to focus on price inflation, even though at the moment it appears to be subdued.…
Failed 1886 Palmerston bank heist landed local man in penitentiary
The working lives of Wellington County’s bankers, normally routine and uneventful, have…
Little bitty tear
“A little bitty tear let me down, spoiled my act as a clown, I had it made up not to make a…