Almost two weeks ago, distress hung over me like a Scottish fog over Fergus. The next day would…
Catch a falling Star
I am jumping out of an airplane. No not me; I have no intention of doing that. But the subject line…
A fantasy world
Today most believe that banks should be the bedrock of Canadians’ portfolios. People assume…
A Star falling over Victoria
Back in June, I told you about my daughter-in-law Starlene, a.k.a. Star, and her plan to jump out…
The correct kind of counterbalance
Every now and then, but all too infrequently, our government comes forth with a “stroke of…
Expect some stiff headwinds before a recovery
Inasmuch as history books are full of examples of rapid and sharp recoveries following steep…
Stiff headwinds slowing down any recovery
Inasmuch as history books are full of examples of rapid and sharp recoveries following steep…
What’s important?
Those over 50 years of age, the so-called “zoomers,” are now assuming leadership in the…
Still missing her
The third year is now slowly passing, Since pallbearers carried her to the grave. But her memory…
Fergusson sons played roles in county history
A few weeks ago I received a call from a reader with a question regarding A. J. Fergusson, son…
Recently, the left turn signal of the beloved station wagon blew its bulb. You simply don’t…
Yummy mummy
I knew I was having a bad day when the first email in my inbox was from Victoria’s Secret…
Kitchen gardens IV
Coming up soon to the third anniversary of the loss of my Little Lady, the love of my life, as most…
It’s here
Yes Sir. And all other characters before, aft’ and in between; spring is here. I have just…
Are we relearning the same old finance lessons all over again?
One of the benefits of experience is that lessons are learned. It is unfortunate that our…