They say in life you win some; you lose some. It turns out both are worth the experience.…
Woof, woof, and woof again. That’s just Foxy, our house dog, my good-natured,…
Difficult choices
Investors nowadays are very confused, much more than at any recent time. ‘Group think’…
Nature’s harvesters
Outside our ground floor bathroom window, about three or four feet from the glass, grows a…
Financial engineering
As if there was not enough manipulation going on in financial markets, corporations now…
Daunting headwinds
The world has been bingeing on raw materials, a trend that seems endless. Yet history shows that a…
Winter wonderland
The year 2015 has bit the dust, while 2016 has become a must. The bells that rang out when the New…
It may seem presumptuous for this economist to disagree with the comments and actions of the U.S.…
Snow, snow
Snow, snow, go away. That was my thought when I sat down to write this article, as I had just…
Lights out
Mother Nature has a profound way of keeping us humble. Last week’s ice storm was proof of her…
Art matters
Everyone likes music. Whether it’s country, jazz, opera or good old rock ‘n roll, music…
Questionable tactic
With the economy and stock markets in the doldrums, some corporations are searching for remedies. A…
The rains came
I sometimes think that WestWind Farms has a guardian angel. The night following the last of…
Spot on
Resisting change is something I excel at. But as I add another year to my time on this planet,…
Open and transparent?
Last fall, the Liberals campaigned on a promise of openness and transparency. They promised to…