“Cancer can be cured” is an expression that I’ve wanted to jump up and down and…
Costa Rica
From a writer friend of mine, who has wintered in Costa Rica, comes a five-page email, excerpts of…
On the wings of an angel she left me, Death has a tendency to rip couples apart. Though we knew…
The gift of encouragement
William Arthur Ward said, "Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not…
Hydrogen peroxide V
Never before have I had such a widespread ripple of affirmative comments, by telephone, email and…
Tackling big media
Have you ever watched one of those cop shows on TV? A cameraman goes on patrol with police and…
Writer’s block
Not often, but once in a while, I come up with no thoughts at all on what I should scribe for a…
Dueling TVs
Have you seen some of the ads that have appeared on television, sponsored by local broadcasters and…
Opportunities to slap corporate names on public and private buildings
After a theatre chain displayed Scotiabank signs on the front of its buildings, other theatres…
Good riddance?
As we enter the peak retail season, we usually are bombarded by a tremendous increase in…
GST and PST: Ouch
Over the course of any month, through the magic of e-mail, I get a great number of interesting and…
Harriston and Mount Forest post offices opened in 1912
This week’s column concludes the series on four Wellington County post offices built in…
An editor took a long trip by horse and buggy in 1876
Travel by road in the 19th century was something most people avoided as much as possible. The…
Danger of flooding on Grand River was acute in 1934
The construction of storage dams, combined with careful monitoring of conditions, has virtually…
Two English airmen killed in 1941 crash near Monck
Several years ago this column carried an account of an air crash in Eramosa Township during…