With this column, another year comes to a close and a new year is thrust upon us. As I have been…
The Force
I married the Carpenter because he is the ying to my yang (that sounds inappropriate), the white to…
It is with great sadness that I share the news that our family has lost our beloved dog of 15…
Facing some facts about our current economic difficulties
A cure cannot be forthcoming unless there is an awareness of the problem. Right now most…
Nowadays supermarkets stock tens of thousands of different products. That creates a problem as…
A good corporate board is critical
Given the news recently, it is obvious that all too frequently corporations either accidentally, or…
Lately I have been busy painting. I’m staining the exterior of the so-called chicken house,…
Pricing power
No one is laughing when they do grocery shopping, as prices have climbed by a whopping 10 per cent…
Beatty Bros. company installed fire fighting system in 1935
No business in Wellington County dominated a town to the extent that the Beatty Bros. Company…
Flipping my lid
Oh plastic container lid, where art thou? Why do you mock me so early on a Tuesday morning? Take…
As Thanksgiving weekend approaches, I got to thinking about what I am really thankful for in my…
Wings clipped
I know Halloween is over, but I hope you will indulge me as I share this little story about the…
The real Santa
I knew one day it would happen. We were going to have “the talk” with the kids. The end…
Earning my wings
The predictions for 2012 are rather dire now, aren’t they? I confess there was a time when…
I believe
Over this past holiday season, I received what seemed to me to be a far greater number of friendly…