After some time a boom tends to feed on itself, but momentum can carry it only so far. Pervasive…
Popular again
Where to invest is a problem, not just for the average individual but also for our pension fund…
Notorious outlaw Orval Shaw appeared in Wellington County in 1929
The increasing use of automobiles by criminals in the 1920s has been noted in this column on…
Spitting dirt
It has long been a dream of mine to sit in a sulky driven by a qualified driver behind a really…
Air quality is critical to our health. Research from the Ontario Medical Association concludes that…
Food chain
It was definitely an overcast sky – heavy mist still hung in shrouds over the valley –…
Marketing mania
Most of us know that when we endorse the back of a cheque, we assume responsibility for that…
John McCrae had a brief but distinguished career
Remembrance Day is on the horizon, and this year it is likely to be a special one, as 2014 marks…
Dye laughing
What I’m about to tell you may shock you. It may even change your opinion of me. Here it…
Merry Christmas
Once again this year, we’re all dreaming of a “White Christmas”…but without…
Frankly, my dear
The last four days of December were pleasant days for me. Each day was greeted by an early morning…
Magic ingredient
What can we do to make the Canadian economy grow faster? Right now we should consider the magic…
More to be done
Prejudices slowly are disappearing in Canada. One by one we have started to eliminate biases that…
Nothing more important
Of all the contracts we sign, nothing is more important than the marriage one. We sign contracts to…
Assembly required
It wasn’t long ago that the Carpenter’s man-stove, also known as the barbecue, went up…