After some recent elections, it appears that our politicians think that voters are irrational. From…
When cops blunder
Wagging my finger, I yelled "Slow down," at the police cruiser driving at excessive speed…
A complete reversal
Not too long ago we were worried about overpopulation, not so much in our vast country, but…
Working harder
Nowadays Canadians generally are working harder and for longer hours than at any time in recent…
A champion of free speech emerges
In two previous columns, I dealt with the issue of the attack on free speech by Canadian Human…
When long-term memory fails
In April 1971, as we looked forward to our move to South Africa, we planned to visit a conference…
When a rooster lives next door
Only recently I learned that some urban communities in Ontario actually allow residents to raise…
Heroes in Burma are worth aiding
Just ten weeks ago I took you on a trip to Myanmar, that southeast Asia country formerly known as…
When Gremlins invade the press room
For whatever reason the final paragraph of my May 30 column never made it into print. I typically…
Honouring the unthinkable
Anna made the announcement, “I’m pregnant,” just days before we planned to hook…
Under control
Our political leaders and even our financial authorities assert that inflation is “under…
Early fall
Fall has come early this year. The not so warm days of mid August, and the sharp drop in…
Fall is here
I like the fall weather. The only season I like better than the fall is spring, followed closely by…
Ambush marketing
Given the slump in consumer spending, marketers have been taking innovative steps to stimulate…
A reassessment needed
It has become apparent that there should be a reassessment of the North American Free Trade…