The colour-coded calendar on the fridge is full with PA days, pizza lunches, sports schedules, and…
Believe it or not, by the time this column reaches you I will be fast approaching another birthday.…
Too many are ignoring all the warning signs coming from the markets
A medical doctor can list the warning signs of pending serious health problems. Similarly, an…
A little known local survivor of the 1912 Titanic disaster
The name of Thomson Beattie is a familiar one to many of those who have an interest in Wellington…
Wendel Clark & me
Once upon a time, I was a dedicated Toronto Maple Leaf fan. Stop laughing, you (insert team name…
The Vegas Mojo
You should know by now I am a seeker of signs: purpose, life direction, meaning, location of my car…
Shoplifting has become a serious problem
Many of us have seen the shop owner on television who caught a shoplifter and then forcibly tied…
The schizophrenic sub-zero weather that we were blessed with up here in the hinterlands of Markdale…
Horribly inefficient
There are innumerable examples of non-profit organizations that usually are advised to become more…
Surprising recovery
After collapsing two years ago, car makers in North America have made a surprising recovery. In…
A shocking surge in food prices
A recently released document from the United States’ Department of Agriculture is sending…
Huge problems
Our housing sector can cause huge problems for our economy, but also, traditionally, it leads us…
Harvest Moon
As I sit down to write this week’s article, a big old harvest moon is peeking up over the…
Highly paid executives usually just wasting time
How do company executives spend their time? Most of us are puzzled, as it is almost inconceivable…
Deliver me
Nobody can ever accuse me of lacking professional enthusiasm. I love the Wellington Advertiser so…