I’m sure I spend at least half of my life waiting. Last week, Anna and I sat in the examining…
Georgian Bay and Wellington Railway was only a dream
Last week’s column mentioned that Mount Forest council voted financial aid for the…
Thing one, thing two
Various things tick me off. I usually recover quickly and never get around to writing about them.…
Galloping horses and stray bullets
Last column, I wrote about the dangers prairie kids faced getting to school in midwinter 60 or…
A lifetime is but a moment in the history of evolution but hindsight is foresight, and to integrate…
Someone recently asked if I was a person who looked at life with the perspective of a glass half…
Seat of my pants
Now that I work from home I spend a lot of time alone. I like it. I also enjoy frequent walks,…
Wiseman’s funniest videos
As I watched America’s Funniest Videos (AFV) the other night, I began to think of all the…
Unpopular Pilkington couple was stripped, tarred in 1872
It is a sad fact of life that some people manage to annoy their neighbours through their actions or…
Chain stores first appeared in Wellington 100 years ago
An interesting part of business history is the evolution that has taken place in retailing and…
HST: a problem for all
My column last month focused on the Dalton McGuinty Liberals’ new Harmonized Sales Tax,…
Skipping stones
For the second time in my life, I spent the August long weekend grieving the loss of a dear friend…
Social mobility has slowed
From time immemorial North American culture has maintained that “anything is possible;”…
A dramatic and troubling tale of omens
Most in the financial industry have been preoccupied by the comments of the Bank of Canada and the…
Trying for our local hospitals
Supporting our local health care services – not only for today, but also for tomorrow –…