Belief in conspiracies is nothing new. To this day many continue to assume that President John. F.…
Chaos theory and destiny
Early childhood memories have been playing through my mind like 30-second random bursts of video.…
Bart Russell
Not many of you readers within the realm of the Wellington Advertiser’s drop-off area will…
Meeting the challenge
One of the mainstays of Canada as a nation is its postal system, binding the country together. Yet,…
Slumping wages are unlikely to help correct our poor local economy
Slumping wages now are a widespread phenomenon all across Canada, but workers in the public sector…
A misleading portrait of poverty in Canada
Shocking headlines tell us that the incomes of the poorest families are down by a double-digit…
There is, as so often the case, a great deal of misinformation about economic (and political)…
New year, new perspective
If there is one thing I know to be true in this life, it is this: you will keep repeating the same…
When last week’s earthquake shook the foundation of the small island of Haiti, I didn’t…
Clifford Horticultural Society founded 50 years ago
There are about a dozen horticultural societies in Wellington County, and over the decades they…
A real scandal in education
Huge amounts of money are spent each year on university education; unfortunately, that is a scandal…
Four pillars of economic forecasting are creating skepticism
This economist’s skepticism about the latest economic forecasts is based on four…
Try in vein
Everybody is afraid of something. My Mom is terrified of insects. My father is afraid of dentists.…
Tornado cut a 60-mile swath through Wellington in 1908
Most people do not regard Wellington as a tornado-prone zone, but this county has experienced…
Reasons for skepticism
Happy Days Are Here Again. Are they? That song was so popular in the 1930s during the Great…