This is how rumours get started. I blame it all on Michael Bublé. Well, him and the…
Kitchen gardens II
The first veggies that I think most important in any garden, kitchen or otherwise are the hardy…
Recently, the number of letters to the editor numbered greater than ever before. Is this an…
Schooling versus learning
Northrop Frye said, “We must reject that most dismal and fatuous notion that education is the…
The eye of the soul
I sat at my computer, my fingers fluttering aimlessly above the keys, with my brain frozen and…
Let them eat cake
Some years ago, I wrote a column that cited statistics suggesting 78% of Canadians believe hunger…
Friendly birds
Recently I have been spending considerable time dickering around outside in my carport. The weather…
Betwixt and between
Because I am in the middle of moving from urban to rural, with the distance consuming a great part…
My summer success
The pool turned green. The grass turned yellow in blotches. We needed an extra blanket on our beds.…
Summers gone
This past morning as I sipped my second cup of coffee while sitting on the front porch, watching…
Wonderful weather
Wow. Wow. Wow. What a beautiful Thanksgiving weekend we had. The weather could not have been…
Objective analysis generally shows experts will see predictions reversed
A recent newspaper article stated that interest rates “have nowhere to go but up.” This…
Entrepreneurs attempted to make lignite a Luther industry
An interesting chapter in our local industrial history was the attempt in the 1930s to establish a…
Here we go again
Christmas 2010 came, it went. I am not sad that the Christmas tree came down. I do not miss…
Creatures of habit
People pretty much are creatures of habit. Inasmuch as they are set in an unvarying routine, this…