In 1916 a girl from Maryborough Township named Nellie Wetzel dated a man named Colonel Laughrin.…
In a recent column, I had mentioned my father’s off-hand explanation of cold weather. It…
Confessions of an athlete’s mom
I would like to add another chapter to the mother guilt collection I have accumulated over the past…
Groves tried unsuccessfully to donate hospital to town in early 1920s
Many people, in Centre Wellington at least, are aware that Groves Memorial Hospital was established…
Jumping in feet first
Throughout my adult life, there are two things that terrify me about summer: bathing suits and…
Bare with me
Living as I now do, just west of Markdale, caused a little concern when I first heard that a bear…
Elora’s W.O. Mendell revived attacks on county council
Earlier in 2013 this column carried a two-part account of the attacks on the conduct of county…
Lanky legs
On the Aug. 1 long weekend, I found myself out back of our workshop. I had plunked my butt on the…
Fergus council considered appealing a court decision in 1925
Through the years municipalities occasionally have been the defendants in lawsuits brought by…
Fall has fallen
Spring came and went, summer has come and gone, and fall has tumbled upon us. The methodical…
Winter is coming
I was sitting comfortably on my butt a couple of days ago, in a comfy lean-back chair, out back of…
Working together
In our minority provincial parliament, the moments of non-partisan cooperation are few and far…
Christmas 2013
The seasons they come and the seasons they go, and by the time this article is searched for and…
Hydro, humility, humanity
Christmas 2013 is one that most of us will never forget. The ice storm and the resulting hydro…
Kill or cure
I don’t know whether I’m just getting bitchy in my older years, or it could be…