As the matriarch of my family, I am constantly amazed by what my little brood can do. Take, for…
Greater use of judgement
Long ago, bands of English artisans, Luddites, rioted against mechanization and destroyed…
Unchecked greed
One of the many things that need an overhaul in the business world is the role of company…
North Americans are intoxicated by debt
Treating an inebriated alcoholic with another drink is known to be counter- productive. Yet even…
Officials feared sectarian strife after 1847 execution
Last week’s column related the events of March 22, 1847, and the death of Richard Oliver…
Student testing an important tool
For families with school-age children, the day after Labour Day marks the beginning of a New Year…
Giving thanks
Now that I am a parent, I have to let go of my greedy notions that Thanksgiving is really about…
Unwise to place our economic trust in what could be a fools paradise
Canada’s economy is just about the strongest of any nation. That does not mean, however, that…
Donkey baseball was popular attraction in mid-20th century
Donkey baseball was a popular attraction at civic gatherings a half century and more ago in the…
Its lovely weather for a shinny game together
Father Christmas has nothing on the father of my children, the Carpenter. He is the hero of the…
The kids are alright
I could not have predicted my first thought that morning would be how to dispose of a body. What a…
Consumers will make do, so suppliers might start to hurt a little
Consumer-goods firms everywhere are in the middle of a very grim time. What is significant is not…
Man killed by train at 1899 Palmerston Orange celebration
Accounts of various 19th century July 12 celebrations by the Orange Order have appeared in this…
The athletic tail is wagging the university dog for donations
Almost all graduates of post-secondary institutions remain enthusiastic supporters of their alma…
Argument in Mount Forest resulted in second 1868 homicide
Last week’s column outlined the trial and acquittal of Mount Forest’s Dr. Samuel Dunbar…