A perplexing problem is the huge hoard of cash that corporations are sitting on and why. The…
Braggin’ time again
Believe it, yes! Or believe it, no! It’s a fact! The article on which your eyes now ponder is…
Essential qualities
If we cast aside rhetoric and conventional wisdom, we will discover what are the essential…
Guelph man buried lodger under his house in 1946
William A. Callahan was a Guelph resident who owned a house on Devonshire Street. That street was…
If they could talk
A nearby neighbour dropped in this past week and, as he had a number of places to go, he asked if I…
Meet the teacher
By the time you read this, I will have participated in two parent-teacher interviews. I liken the…
Canadian National Railway suffered a wreck near Palmerston in 1936
Train wrecks have been a popular feature in this column over the years. The largest number were in…
Pioneering spirit
This winter has given me tremendous respect for the pioneers who founded this great nation. Those…
Elora-born Robert Watson became a senator
Wellington County has, in the decades since Confederation, had less than its share of Canadian…
Highlights of the week in Wellington County in July 1929
The weekly newspaper business has never been an easy path to quick riches. The newspaper business…
Free trade agreement
One in five Canadian jobs depends on trade. So, expanding trade is critically important to creating…
Teach yourself
In every profession there are people who fail to conduct themselves according to the dictates of…
Authority and availability
Companies continually are attempting to impart authority and availability. In order to make that…
Arthur woman had a significant career in Detroit in 1920s
The village of Arthur was the least industrialized of Wellington County’s towns in the 19th…
Large avian visitors
This past week has been far more than just interesting. In addition to a couple of broody bantam…